The IN4 Laboratory has well-established close collaboration relationships with companies both in local area (in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Lombardy) and in national and international panorama.

Hundreds of companies have so far signed partnerships and agreements, aimed at various purposes, with a main focus on industrial research and technology transfer.

Gold Partner

The Gold Partner Project  aims to establish a continuous and multi-year agreement with enterprises. This agreement is intended to strengthen, structure and expand the research collaboration projects already in place, strengthening the enterprise-university liaison in the areas of personnel placement, research and innovation, also promoting greater visibility and disseminating information on ongoing partnerships.  

Local collaborations

Centec, the IN4 laboratory located in Cento, has a longstanding collaboration with local partners, in particular with:

Spin offs and start-ups

Several enterprises have been set up thanks to research projects developed by the IN4 Laboratory. 

An ongoing active collaboration is maintained even after many university spin-offs have evolved into real enterprises. 

A few major examples can be mentioned:



Tecnopolo di Ferrara